Sherwood Technologies has a long history delivering knowledge-based solutions to all types of business problems. We have also performed a wide variety of more routine functions, like technical writing and document production, sometimes acting as an entire department for our customer. With 2020 here, Sherwood brings our expertise and depth to this exciting new decade.
We are glad you dropped by and hope you enjoy reading about how we got here. More importantly, we would like you to see how we might be able to bring that special something to your company.
That Was Then...
We started our software company back in 1985 to provide value-added, computer services to businesses both large and small. As Sherwood Consulting, specializing in Microsoft Windows operating systems and software, we offered our customers the ability to get top-notch computer help, on an as-needed basis. Back then, to get out the message of the wide variety of services we provided, we chose the catchy tagline: We Do Windows.
Plus, being from New York, everybody wanted somone 'who did windows' - a funny story we'll be happy to share with you. At any rate, our customers quickly learned the many benefits of hiring a consulting firm: