What is a Secret Key?
Basically a Secret Key is a series of letters, numbers, spaces, symbols, and/or special characters typed on the keyboard or copied from the Windows Character Map. This key is then used by WINciphrLite™ to Encrypt and Decrypt your message. It works just like the key you use to lock and unlock the door to your home.
Although there can only be one key per message, you may choose different keys for different people, or for different types of messages, or whatever - the choice is yours. Imagine that each message has its own lock! Therefore, you only need to learn one simple rule: the same key used to encipher a message must be used to decipher it.
How do I Pick a Key?
Since remembering the Secret Key is essential to using WINciphrLite™ successfully, we suggest that you think of the intended recipient and some aspect of your friendship, or business relationship, that only the two of you will understand. Naturally, you could just as easily use some random key like: Az4tU9 (NOTE: keys are also case-sensitive, which means that Z and z are different).
If other people know you fairly well, they will probably know the names of your children, your spouse, dog and cat. So, don't use anything that simple and familiar. Try a more original Secret Key, like the name you called your fourth grade teacher, the first person you kissed, where you met, or maybe the price you paid for lunch.
Whatever you choose, it should be something that you both will remember later!
But, is it Really Easy-to-use?
Yes! Very easy. Menus are organized in the same manner as other standard Windows programs (File, Edit, View, Tools, Options and Help). The program also has the usual hot keys (also called shortcut keys) you have come to expect. It's all very familiar with a very small learning curve.
You'll also be pleased that Help is available for just about every program topic. We have even included extra information on terms that you may have heard used, but were not exactly sure what they meant. Basically, help is just a click away!
At last, you will be able to send secure e-mail quickly and easily.
WINciphr and WINciphrLite are trademarks of Sherwood Technologies, Inc. Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.