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Product Ordering Assistant   ...configuration, EASY!

Finally, there is a solution for ordering products which are available in a wide range of configurations or which support many options.  With the Product Ordering Assistant, your sales staff will be free to concentrate on what they do best - making sales!  No more worrying about ordering all the right parts, no more customer frustration waiting for final delivery.  Get your orders right, first time, every time.

A standalone Windows-based application, POA can be customized for almost any combination of product options, add-on components or system configurations.  The wizard-like user interface guides your salespeople through the process step-by-step, in plain English.  Simple point-and-click operation means that the POA is easy to learn and use.

Everyone who writes orders will appreciate the consistent, accurate results and the end of fumbling around for misplaced data sheets and parts lists.  What's more, since POA eliminates configuration and ordering errors, you'll never again be faced with having to tell your customer, or your boss, "Ooooops, guess I forgot to order that..." (or whatever  it is that you actually  tell them).

Any configuration that can be put on paper, can be managed by software!

Contact Sherwood today for a free consultation
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