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Windows Apps

The Cadillac  of our Programming Services is the Windows Application.  No software other than the Windows operating system is required to run these fully-functional, standalone applications.  They come complete with a setup program, online help and documentation.  If you desire, we will even handle the software duplication, the design and production of product packaging - everything, right down to the final shrink-wrap.

Visual Basic

Time is money, so when it comes to software development, the prize goes to the swift.  The embodiment of Rapid Application Development is Visual Basic, a language which has come a long way since its arrival over a decade ago.  Visual Basic is now the standard by which other development tools are measured.

Customer or Partner

The choice is yours.  Whether you simply want our Programming Services for the design and implementation of an in-house application or you want us to assist in the creation of an end-user product that you will market, Sherwood is the right choice for the job!

As you may know, the design of a software program involves many steps, from project definition and specification, through interface design and implementation, to testing and debugging.  You decide which aspects of the project you want us to accomplish and we provide the people-power.  We are a one-stop programming department, including project management, scheduling and reporting capabilities.  Trust Sherwood to deliver the program you envision.

Database Front-ends

Another primary use for Visual Basic is the creation of standalone database front-ends.  It's versatility permits rapid interface prototyping, so you can visualize what you will get before  coding begins.  Furthermore, a VB front-end can provide users with a consistent interface to a wide variety of back-end data sources.  This translates directly into lowered employee training costs and improved productivity.  With ODBC now a standard method of accessing relational databases, VB is the natural choice for Windows-based interfaces.

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